Anorectal Disease
Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids are an integral part of your digestive system. However, when these become enlarged they cause discomfort and bleeding. Usually these symptoms are managed with dietary instructions or local treatments. Larger hemorrhoids may require surgery to be removed.

Polyps: Colon polyps are abnormal cells that form in the colon lining. Anyone can develop these polyps but certain factors increase your risk:
-if you are 50 or older
-if you have a high-fat, low-fiber diet
-if you have a family history of colon polyps
Colon polyps can cause rectal bleeding, change in bowel movements, and abdominal pain. If not treated, they can lead to colon cancer. When small, they can be completely asymptomatic. This is why screening and follow-up colonoscopy are vital.

Anal Fissure: An anal fissure is a small tear or cut in the skin lining of the anus which can cause pain and/or bleeding. Red streaks in the stool are signs that you may have an anal fissure. Anal fissures are either acute, meaning they are of recent onset, or chronic, meaning they are recurring or prolonged. A high fiber diet, stool softeners, and warm baths for 10-20 minutes relax anal muscles and promote healing. When chronic, resultant scarring and narrowing of the anal canal may require surgery to treat. Botox injection can also be used successfully in the treatment of this disorder.
Anal fistula: An anal fistula is an abnormal connection between the surface of the anal canal and the perianal skin. If the anal glands become blocked, an abscess can form. An abscess is a cavity which has become infected. This can point to the skin surface and the tract caused by the process forms the fistula.

Anorectal Abscess: An abscess occurs when a cavity in the anal region becomes infected by bacteria or other foreign matter. Though these cavities can be drained, a tunnel may continue to exist between the gland from which the abscess arose. Continual drainage from the abscess may occur and if the outside opening to the tunnel heals, a recurrent abscess may develop.

At Colorectal Consultants, we offer prompt and friendly service to all our patients. Dr. Tarazi treats the following disorders. You may click on the links below to expand on each subject. This will take you to the official American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery website for up-to-date educational information.
Anorectal Diseases
Abscess and Fistula / Absceso Anal y La Fistula / Abscess and Fistula Expanded Information
Anal Fissure / Fisura Anal / Anal Fissure Expanded Information
Anal Warts / Las Verrugas Anales / Anal Warts and Anal Dysplasia Expanded Information